Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Prepare a Healthy and Delicious Cabbage Soup Recipe?

The many different choices of Cabbage soup recipes are such delicious additions to your table. Plus cabbage is one of those super foods that come complete with a useful set of nutritions which is perfect for any body, whether in diet or not. Your search for a way to expand your food budget ends here.

One of my Cabbage soup recipes is the delicious “Cabbage Soup”, though it has that bad reputation of being smelly “stinky” and a tasteless mixture!! however, the taste of soup depends mainly on the ingredients you include e.g: spices.

Let’s get you started with this sample recipe for “Cabbage Soup”
· One large head of cabbage
· One large bunch of celery
· Two bunches of green onions
· One large can Of tomatoes
· Two cans of chicken broth (13 oz)
· Three large bell peppers
· Some salt and pepper to taste

Now to get started, wash the vegetables, slice, chop, and put them in a large pot. Add the whole amount of tomato, chicken broth , then cook on low heat for about 15 mins or till tender.

As for some the benefits of cabbage, here are some of them:
· Rich in Calcium, Vitamins e.g: C and A, etc…..
· Cabbage raw juice can be used to treat colon disorders

This cabbage soup diet is one of the famous Cabbage soup recipes that have been used many years ago, it’s quick, healthy and can help you lose roughly 10 pounds a week. Additionally, use it as a filler, in your strict diet plans, raw in green salad, in fresh juices and cooked in soups” as my cool Cabbage soup recipe”.
Another reason you may want to consider to chose your appropriate Cabbage soup recipe is that It’s CHAEP, yes, that’s true!

A simple evidence is that peasants in cool climates use it in their meals. Cabbage is easily grown in cold climates, but not that easy to grow in warm weather where pests fierce attacks. Why you may ask me? Because it’s easily grown and it’s a high yielding crop, for that you can see why it’s cheap.

Peasant meals often are more nutritious than the processed food of apparently more wealthy people. So sit down to enjoy that tasty Cabbage soup recipe spiced just to suit your taste, Enjoy it!

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